
Catsup’s configuration file is a vaild JSON file.


The default config file looks like :

    "site": {
        "name": "blogname",
        "description": "Just another catsup blog",
        "url": ""

    "author": {
        "name": "nickname",
        "email": "",
        "twitter": "twitter"

    "config": {
        "source": "posts",
        "static_source": "static",
        "output": "deploy",
        "static_output": "deploy/static",
        "static_prefix": "/static/",
        "analytics": ""

    "permalink": {
        "page": "/page/{page}/",
        "post": "/{filename}/",
        "tag": "/tag/{name}/",
        "tags": "/tag/index.html",
        "archive": "/archive/{year}/",
        "archives": "/archive/index.html",
        "feed": "/feed.xml"

    "comment": {
        "allow": true,
        "system": "disqus",
        "shortname": "catsup"

    "deploy": {
        "default": "rsync",

        "git": {
            "repo": "repo url here",
            "branch": "master",
            "delete": true

        "rsync": {
            "ssh_port": 22,
            "ssh_user": "username",
            "ssh_host": "",
            "document_root": "~/",
            "delete": true

    "theme": {
        "name": "sealscript",
        "vars": {
            "github": "whtsky",
            "links": [
                    "name": "catsup",
                    "url": "",
                    "description": "Awesome!"

Site & Author & Config

It’s easy enough to configure these by yourself.

If you’re using Google Analytics, remember to change

"config": {
    "source": "posts",
    "static_source": "static",
    "output": "deploy",
    "static_output": "deploy/static",
    "static_prefix": "/static/",
    "analytics": ""


Catsup supports two comment systems: Disqus and Duoshuo

If you prefer Duoshuo to Disqus, just change your comment system to it

"comment": {
    "allow": true,
    "system": "duoshuo",
    "shortname": "catsup"

If you have your own shortname, remember to change comment.shortname to your own

"comment": {
    "allow": true,
    "system": "disqus",
    "shortname": "my_site"

If you don’t want to allow any comment, just disable it

"comment": {
    "allow": false

If you just want some of the posts can’t be commented, set - comment: disabled in Post Meta

Deploy & Theme

It’s easy enough to configure these by yourself.

For more information, read about Deploy Support and your theme’s document.